War Memorial

War Memorial Press Release 21 September 2022

Caroe Inspection Report Ledbury War Memorial

Inspection Report Ledbury War Memorial 210802




Ledbury Town Council would like to provide residents of Ledbury with an update on the progress on the repairs to the War Memorial in High Street, Ledbury.

The Council have appointed Caroe & Partners to act on their behalf and draw up a specification, apply for Listed Building Consent and to send out the specification to competent contractors

At an extraordinary meeting of Council in July Members were advised that the Listed Building Consent application had been submitted and that Caroe had identified three companies who had expressed an interest in tendering for the works.  The details of these three companies were provided to Councillors to enable them to undertake due diligence prior to the tenders being received.

Members were also provided with a draft Preliminaries report for consideration and advised of questions that Caroe had raised prior to its completion.

It had been hoped that work would start to the War Memorial in late August and completed prior to the Remembrance Service in November.  However due to a delay in receiving the Listed Building Consent this unfortunately was not the case.  This has now been received and three tenders for the works have also been received and will be considered at a meeting of Council on 6 October 2022.

The Council are mindful that the Memorial is the centre point for the Service of Remembrance on Friday, 11 and Sunday, 13 November and as such should be available on these dates.  Sadly, this does mean that the works to repair the War Memorial and paving will not now commence until after the Remembrance Service in November.

The Council are working with Caroe & Partners to ensure the works are carried out as soon as possible, and on the appointment of the successful contractor will  provide more information on the start date, and timescales for completion.

The Council would like to apologise for the delays but hope that residents will understand that they want to make sure all necessary processes are followed to ensure the work to the War Memorial is carried out to a required standard.

Thank you for your patience in this matter.

Angela Price – Town Clerk

On Behalf of Ledbury Town Council



Further to recent discussions at Ledbury Town Council and conversations on Social Media, Ledbury Town Council are saddened to report that they recognise that there are further works required to the surrounding area of the War Memorial in High Street, Ledbury.

The War Memorial was discussed at a meeting of Council on 1 April 2020 with the Clerk being instructed to obtain a report on the works carried out and recommendations on any future works that would be required to bring the Memorial to an acceptable standard.

The report, when received, will be considered at a meeting of the Environment & Leisure Committee on 20 May 2021 with any recommendations being considered at a meeting of Full Council on 27 May 2021.

The Council are currently seeking quotes for works to replace the paving slabs laid in 2020 and once the report has been discussed at council will seek quotes for any further works required to the Memorial.  We would confirm that no contractor has been appointed to carry out any of the repairs required.

The Council will also be considering their options in relation to the company who carried out the works in 2020 and whether there would be any merit in pursing this matter through a legal process.

27April 2021




Ledbury Town Council are pleased to announce that a Memorial Stone acknowledging the very kind donation from Mr Stuart Heaton has finally be laid at the War Memorial in High street. Mr Heaton very generously donated over £30,000 towards the recent refurbishment of the War Memorial and it had been hoped that he would be able to attend an event in December to mark the 100th year of the War Memorial, however Covid has prevented this.

Mr Heaton is very keen to visit Ledbury to view the refurbishment works and the stone laid acknowledging his generous contribution, and it is hoped that he will be able to visit the town in 2021, subject to Covid restrictions being lifted.

Angie Price, Town Clerk

Ledbury Town Council are pleased to announce the completion of the refurbishment works to the War Memorial in High Street.

The works to the Memorial were carried out by the Stone Workshop at a cost of Just over £30,000 plus VAT.   Mr Stuart Heaton, a former Ledbury resident who now lives in London very kindly donated £30,000 toward the cost of the refurbishment and a flag stone will be laid at the Memorial thanking Mr Heaton for this very generous donation. Click here to see the letter from Mr Heaton

The works included the removal of the cobbled area around the Memorial with them being replaced with paving stones.  The base stones have been replaced with new and some work carried out on the plinth to repair the edges due to there being considerable damage. On cleaning the spire it became apparent that the top section of the spire was in a poor condition and it was agreed that this would be replaced at an additional cost to the original quote, the cost of which would be borne by the Town Council.  An Aco drain system has been installed around the base of the Memorial to help with water drainage and to help prevent future water damage and subsidence. 

There are plans to hold a rededication of the War Memorial, however this will now take place in 2021 to enable Mr Heaton to join the Town for this and hopefully to enable more of the town to participate, once social distancing rules are hopefully relaxed.

There will be a ceremony of remembrance at the Memorial on VJ Day on Saturday, 15 August 2020 to remember those who lost their lives in the Far East during World War II.  This will consist of a small congregation of family members of those named on the Memorial who lost their lives in the Far East, along with the Town Mayor and Councillors and representatives of the Royal British Legion.


The British Legion, Ledbury Branch and Ledbury Town Council would like to remind residents that due to the Covid-19 lockdown there will be no parade or Service of Remembrance at the War memorial this year.

To ensure social distancing and gathering guidelines are adhered to we would ask that members of the public avoid congregating at the War Memorial at 11.00 am,  instead we would ask that you all join in an Act of Remembrance by standing on your doorstep or wherever you are at 11.00 am on Sunday, 8 and Wednesday, 11 November 2020.

As with the Rainbows in support of the Covid heroes we would like to ask that you “Colour a poppy” and display it in your windows.  You can find the template for these at the following link:




Following consultation between the British Legion, Ledbury Branch and Ledbury Town Council it has been agreed that due to the Covid-19 they will not be organising a parade or Act of Remembrance in the Town Centre and at the War memorial this year.  The Town Mayor, President of the British Legion Ledbury Branch and the Queens Representative will be asked to lay their wreaths at 11.00 am on Sunday, 8 November 2020.  We

Anyone wishing to lay a wreath at the Memorial in Remembrance is being asked to do so at a time of their choosing over the period 7 – 11 November.

The own Mayor said “I am, of course, disappointed that this year’s Remembrance Sunday event will not be of the same scale as we usually see.  It is vitally important that we protect Ledbury’s most vulnerable people, and the decision not to hold a public wreath laying was taken with this in mind.  Regardless of the circumstances, or physical location in which we each find ourselves, the whole of Ledbury will come together in spirit to remember those who fell for our freedoms.  We will do so with solemn dignity and an unwavering belief that those who sacrificed themselves did not do so in vain”

To ensure social distancing and gathering guidelines are adhered to we would ask that members of the public avoid congregating at the War Memorial at 11.00 am,  instead we would ask that you all join in an Act of Remembrance by standing on your doorstep or wherever you are at 11.00 am on Sunday, 8 and Wednesday, 11 November.

Following 20-years’ service as the organiser of wreaths and poppies, Lloyd Meredith stood down in 2019 and Mrs Brenda Hill has now taken up this role.  Due to Covid-19 there will be fewer poppy sellers around the town this year, however you will be able to get your poppy from the following shops within the town:

Ledbury News, Gaynans Jewellers, One Stop and the Post Office Counter, Wellworth. It and the Homend and Parkway Garages

There will also be 8 volunteers in various locations in the town centre following the launch of the Poppy Appeal on 22 October 2020.

As with the Rainbows in support of the Covid heroes we would like to ask that you “Colour a poppy” and display it in your windows.  You can find the template for these at the following link:



Click on a name below to read the pages from the Books of Remembrance which are on display in St Michael and All Angels’ church Ledbury.

Eighty five men from Ledbury died in the First World War. Their names are recorded on the War Memorial in the High Street and the First World War Memorial in St Michael’s church.

There are five Commonwealth War Grave Commission graves in the Town Cemetery.

These Books of Remembrance are the result of research in 2012 by Jennifer Harrison.

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