Ledbury Town Council Governance Documents

Town Council Documents

Ledbury Town Council's Corporate Plan and Action Sheets.

Corporate Plan 

Corporate Plan Action Sheet - Economic Development and Planning & Environment and Leisure

The Town Council’s policy and procedure documents are available to downloaded in PDF format.

Herefordshire Council Code of Conduct (updated 25 May 2018) - adopted by Ledbury Town Council on 21 June 2018

Code of Conduct approved Dec 2022

Agile Working Policy

Annual Leave Policy/uploads/Disciplinary Policy.pdf

Anti Harassment Bullying Policy

Capability Procedure

Cash Handling Policy


Civic Protocol

Civilty and Respect Policy

Communications policy

Concerns and Complaints

Co-option Policy

Councillor Expenses Policy

Disciplinary Policy 2023

Donations & Grants Policy - adopted 29.09.2016

Equality and Diversity Policy

Environmental Policy

Publication Scheme 

Eye-sight Test Policy

Finance Regs 2023

Freedom of Information - Confirmed 11.05.2017

Grievance Policy 2023

General Data Privacy Policy adopted 08.08.2019

Harassment Policy - adopted 13.11.2008

Health and Safety Policy

Health and Wellbeing

Lawful Basis for Holding Information adopted 28.03.2019

Long term absence cover

Member / Officer Relations Protocol - adopted 05.02.2019

Model resolution

Publication Scheme

Recruitment policy

Redundancy Policy

Risk Management Policy - adopted 29.09.2016

Risk Register as at 07.09.2022

Shared Parental Leave Policy 

Safeguarding Policy

Sickness absence

Staff.Councillor protocol

Staff Data Privacy Policy adopted 28.03.2019

Standing Orders 2023

Treasury and Investment Policy

Vexatious Complaints Policy August 2023

Volunteer Policy 2023

Ledbury Town Council Standing Committees Terms of Reference 2022/23 

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