What is Neighbourhood Development Planning?
A Neighbourhood Development Plan can establish general planning policies for the development and use of land in an area. The Plan has a legal status and must be taken into account when planning proposals are being decided.
It can:
- Direct where new homes, shops and workplaces can be built and their type and design quality.
- Identify and protect important local green spaces and the environment as a whole.
- Provide a shared vision for the community.
- It must conform with the strategic policies in Herefordshire Core Strategy 2011-2031 and national planning policy
- Be supported by the public which will be tested in a final referendum and only have legal force if a majority of those voting support it.
For More Information
The following provide short, good guides to Neighbourhood Planning:
Herefordshire Council https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/downloads/download/490/neighbourhood_planning_guidance_documents
Campaign to Protect Rural England publication: How to shape where you live https://www.cpre.org.uk/resources/how-to-shape-where-you-live-a-guide-to-neighbourhood-planning/
Government Neighbourhood Planning Website: https://www.neighbourhoodplanning.org