End of Year Documents 2023/2024
End of Year Documents 2022/2023
Notice of Rights
Statement of Unaudited Accounts 1 April 2022 - 31 March 2023
Brief Explanation of significant variations from last year to this year in
End of Year Documents 2021/2022
Annual Governance and Accounting Statement
Statement of Unaudited Accounts 1 April 2021-31March 2022
Notice of Conclusion of Audit, certificate for year end and Public Rights 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022
1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
Annual Governance and Accounting Statement
Notice of Public Rights
External Auditor: Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Certificate for year ended 31 March 2021
Receipts & Payments
(Please note that the following information is in the process of being updated.)
January - 1st to 31st
February - 1st to 29th
March & April - 1/03/16 to 30/04/16
May & June - 1/05/16 to 30/06/16
January - 1st to 15th
January & February - 16/01/15 to 15/02/15
February & March - 17/02/15 to 31/03/15
April & May - 01/04/15 to 29/05/15
May & June - 30/05/15 to 30/06/15
July & August - 01/07/15 to 31/08/15
September & October - 01/09/15 to 09/10/15
October & November - 10/10/15 to 12/11/15
November & December - 13/11/15 to 31/12/15
January - 01/01/14 to 31/01/14
February - 01/02/14 to 28/02/14
March - 01/03/14 to 31/03/14
April & May - 01/04/14 to 30/05/14
June & July - 01/06/14 to 10/07/14
July to September - 11/07/14 to 05/09/14
September & October - 06/09/14 to 16/10/14
November & December - 15/11/14 to 15/01/15
January & February - 01/01/13 to 15/02/13
February & March - 15/02/13 to 27/03/13
April & May - 01/04/13 to 21/05/13
May to July - 22/05/13 to 17/07/13
July & August - 18/07/13 to 31/08/13
September & October - 01/09/13 to 10/10/13
October & November - 11/10/13 to 14/11/13
November & December - 15/11/13 to 31/12/13
Finance and General Purposes Committee
The Finance and General Purposes Committee (F&GP) manages the F&GP budget. It is responsible for setting and monitoring this budget; management of Council contracts, the collection of rental charges; investment of funds; insurance; grants; management of the Town Council Building, the Town Clock and the Market House; County Association matters; information, communication and technology (ICT); awards; subscriptions; and the procurement and maintenance of the Town Mayor’s and Town Crier’s regalia. The F&GP is tasked with introducing Participatory Budgeting. A sum of £5000 has been set aside for this and we aim to do this year on year. Residents are encouraged to submit suggestions on how this should be spent.
Finance and General Purposes Committee
The Finance and General Purposes Committee (F&GP) manages the F&GP budget. It is responsible for setting and monitoring this budget; management of Council contracts, the collection of rental charges; investment of funds; insurance; grants; management of the Town Council Building, the Town Clock and the Market House; County Association matters; information, communication and technology (ICT); awards; subscriptions; and the procurement and maintenance of the Town Mayor’s and Town Crier’s regalia. The F&GP is tasked with introducing Participatory Budgeting. A sum of £5000 has been set aside for this and we aim to do this year on year. Residents are encouraged to submit suggestions on how this should be spent.