Become A Town Councillor

Why Should I Work With My Council?

Think about working with your Town Council, or becoming a Town Councillor, if:

  • You want to do more for your community, improve quality of life and the local environment;
  • You want to influence local decision-making and make sure your money is spent according to local wishes;
  • You want to make a difference.

Apply to be a councillor


Following the recent elections Ledbury Town Council currently has 8 vacancies. 

At the Annual Meeting of Council held on 9 May 2019 Members considered how they would like to approach filling these 8 vacancies.

It was agreed unanimously that they would initially like to invite members of the public to take up “non-voting - non-Councillor” posts on the Council’s Standing Committee’s (Environment & Leisure and Economic Development & Planning).

This would enable any members of the public unsure on whether they would like to stand as a Councillor in the future, the opportunity to experience the Council and its committee structure without the commitment of being a Councillor.

It is then anticipated that a bye-election will be called and held at some point in the future and hoped that some of those who have joined the Council Standing Committees would go forward and stand for election.

If you are interested in being co-opted onto either of the above committee’s please contact Angie Price, Town Clerk on 01531 632306 or via email at

Contact details for Editors:

Angie Price, Town Clerk– 01531 632306

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