Former Mayor of 2023/24 presents cheques to Chosen Charities
Former Mayor of Ledbury 2023/24, Helen I’Anson, visited her two chosen charities this week, Megan Baker House and Close House Projects, to present both charities with a cheque from the funds raised during her Mayoral Year.
Megan Baker House is ‘A Centre of Excellence in Conductive Education’ that runs sessional services for adults and children with neurological motor disorders using the methods of conductive education (CE).
Close House Projects is a Youth Centre in the middle of Hereford City who help young people aged 11-24 to become mature, be helpful and grow hungry for a full life. Close House puts together an exciting program of energetic, creative and fun activities, along with a healthy, balanced meal and lots of new friends.
Former Mayor, Helen I’Anson, was thrilled to have raised £2,754.24 for her chosen charities which was equally split between them both. Helen would like to extend her gratitude and thanks to all the people of Ledbury who contributed towards her charities by attending one of her events. She would also like to say a massive thank you especially to all Ledbury Traders who contributed by donating raffle prizes.
Helen I’Anson’s comment:
“I loved my year as Mayor with my theme as ‘Lean on Ledbury’ and my highlight of the year was Ledbury’s Got Talent, which raised an incredible £1,307.13 towards my chosen charities, I am extremely grateful to everyone who participated and watched the show and I look forward to attending Ledbury’s Got Talent 2025”.
Close House Projects

Megan Baker House